
Round Tables

Applied Fluid Mechanics in the Power Engineering Field
New challenges in the field of high voltage testing
Tehnologii moderne in exploatarea retelelor electrice
Stabilirea direcţiilor strategice şi a obiectivelor prioritare ale activităţilor de cercetare-dezvoltare şi inovare în domeniul energetic în perioada 2016 - 2020



 To the Authors

The working language of CIEM 2015 will be English. 

The Abstract Paper can be submitted by e-mail to the address:

Registration Fees

The registration fee is:

- 150 €   for authors/participants  until Aug 31, 2015, 200 €  after Aug 31, 2015,
- 100 €  for young researches* , until Aug 31, 2015, 150 €  after Aug 31, 2015,
*under 35 years

The registration fee for authors/participants (mandatory to Sept 15, 2015) includes:

- Congress Attendance (access to all technical sessions an exhibitions of the Congress),

- The Conference Materials (including the Congress Program and the CD containing the conference abstracts),

- Coffee breaks, lunches and refreshments during the Congress

- Gala dinner

Method of Payments

Bank transfers should be wired to the account below. Please do not forget to note “CIEM 2015” in the payment reference field and make sure that the transfer request shows the name of the participant and paper(s) ID.

Bank Account:

Banca Comercială Română (BCR), Agentia  Politehnica
(Splaiul Independentei nr.313, Bucuresti, Sector 6, tel  (+4)0373 514 227, fax: (004)0212270509)

Account Holder: Asociatia  „ALUMNI ELTH”

IBAN for Euro (EUR/ €):    RO69RNCB0723126144180002
IBAN for LEI (RON):          RO96RNCB0723126144180001 *


Reference field: CIEM2015 – Name of Participant (Paper ID(s)).
* Payments in local currency (LEI/RON) will be made at the conversion rate of the National Bank of Romania corresponding to the payment day.


The amount of fee will be paid in cash by participants without presented papers, only in RON currency*, at Congress Desk.
*For RON currency, please reffer to the official exchange rate.

Important Dates

30 June 2015

Abstract Submission Deadline

15 July 2015

Notification of Acceptance

1 October 2015

Final paper submission and registration

22-23 October 2015

Conference sessions

Past Events

CIEM 2003

CIEM 2005

CIEM 2007

CIEM 2009

CIEM 2011 - Energy for a sustainable development

CIEM 2013 - Green and smart energy