CIEM 2015Clean and safe power |
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Renewable Energies |
Energy Efficiency |
Power Systems &Smart Grids |
Fossil Fuels Clean Technologies |
Environmental Impact |
Fluid Mechanics and Applications |
Hydro-Power Engineering |
Nuclear-Power Engineering |
Save the Date: The 7th International Conference on ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT (CIEM) will take place from 22-23 of October 2015 in Iasi, Romania! Additional Information |
The International Conference on ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT (CIEM) is organised by the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, "Gheorghe Asachi" Tehnical University of Iasi, WEC-Romanian National Committee in collaboration with the main Romanian companies, agencies and associations from the energy and environment sectors. The Conference is held under the auspices of Academy of Romanian Scientists.
The aims of CIEM is to respond to challenges in the rapidly developing fields of Power Engineering and Environmental Engineering, and to inspire both research studies and practical applications by promoting interaction among scientists from universities, research institutions, and industry.
Like the previous events, CIEM will provide an ideal venue for the development of new partnerships.
CIEM therefore invites companies, institutes and universities to present their services, products and/or literature at the Energy and Environment oriented Exhibition, witch will be held simultaneously with the Conference.
We look forward to welcoming you to Iasi.
30 June 2015 Abstract Submission Deadline |
15 July 2015 Notification of Acceptance |
1 October 2015 Final paper submission and registration |
22-23 October 2015 Conference sessions |