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With support

 Section 5 - Environmental Impact

S5_1. Electrostatic separation. A Method to recycle plastic materials from end of life vehicles - Tamas R. TOTH (Romania), Viorica SAPLONȚAI (Romania), Daniel DOBREAN (Romania), Roman MORAR (Romania)

Modelarea şi simularea metanogenezei - Iuliana ROGOVEANU RADOSAVLEVICI (Romania)

Proper maintenance policies applied on wastewater treatment plants in order to reduce energy consumption - Andrei STOICESCU (Romania), Dan ROBESCU (Romania)

Experimental research on operating systems aeration used in biological treatment of the leachate - Mihai Cristian NECŞOIU (Romania), Dan Niculae ROBESCU (Romania)

General overview of RECOLAND project from start to the end - Diana Mariana COCÂRŢĂ (Romania), Irina Aura ISTRATE (Romania), Talida Mirona OPREA (Romania), Cristina DUMITRESCU (Romania)

Behaviour of PCBs in remediation by oxygen free thermal treatments of an artificially contaminated soil - Cora BULMĂU (Romania), Diana COCÂRȚĂ (Romania)

Method to calibrate the analytic model of the rotating half bridge belonging to a circular settling tank - Emil OANTA (Romania), Gheorghe LAZAROIU (Romania), Cornel PANAIT (Romania), Tiberiu AXINTE (Romania), Anca-Elena DASCALESCU (Romania)

Analysis on energy efficiency in a wastewater treatment plant - Ileana-Irina PANAITESCU (Romania), Dan ROBESCU (Romania), Diana ROBESCU (Romania)

Efficient use of the pumps in the wastewater treatment plant - Ileana-Irina PANAITESCU (Romania), Alexandru-Andrei SCUPI (Romania), Viorel PANAITESCU (Romania), Mariana PANAITESCU (Romania)

Influenţa temperaturilor negative asupra adâncimii de pozare şi exploatării reţelelor de apă - Sergiu CALOS (Moldavia)

Rules for correct use and operation of submersible mixers - Iustina STANCIULESCU (Romania), Denisa STANCU (Romania), Calin MINOIU (Romania)

S5_12. Wastewater treatment plant Târgovişte in the context of sustainable development - Denisa STANCU  (Romania), Iustina STANCIULESCU (Romania), Calin MINOIU (Romania)

Using simulation for optimizing biological nutrients removal design in wastewater plants - Elena MANEA (Romania), Diana ROBESCU (Romania)

Aeration efficiency for a leachate treatment plant - Ioana Corina MOGA (Romania), Gabriel PETRESCU (Romania), Bogdan NASARIMBA (Romania), Diana ROBESCU (Romania)

Industrial noise case study on environmental impact - Liviu SAIZESCU (Romania), Silviu Emil IONESCU (Romania), Marius DEACONU (Romania)

Solutions for qualitative and quantitative rainwater management - George – Lucian IONESCU (Romania), Octavian DONŢU (Romania), Paolo BERTOLA (Italy)

Theoretical analysis of installations for the mass transfer of hydrophobic organic contaminants from gas streams - Vincenzo TORRETTA (Italy), Ettore TRULLI (Italy)

Innovative opportunities for the exploitation of the residues of the MSW treatment plants - Daniele BASSO (Italy), Marco RAGAZZI (Italy), Elena Cristina RADA (Italy), Luca FIORI (Italy)

Application of a novel hydrodynamic cavitation system in wastewater treatment plants - Michela LANGONE (Italy), Roberta FERRENTINO (Italy), Gabriella TROMBINO (Italy), Daan WAUBERT DE PUISEAU  (Germany), Gianni ANDREOTTOLA (Italy), Elena Cristina RADA (Italy), Marco RAGAZZI (Italy)

Seeking underestimated pathways of human exposure to atmospheric pollutants - Marco SCHIAVON (Italy), Marco RAGAZZI (Italy), Elena Cristina RADA (Italy)

Application of a decision support system for sustainable river basin planning. A case study - Vincenzo TORRETTA (Italy), Sabrina COPELLI  (Italy), Massimo RABONI (Italy)

Electro-oxidation treatment used for the remediation of organic polluted soils - Ana-Maria TICAN  (Romania), Irina Aura ISTRATE (Romania)

Important Dates

February 2013

Call for papers

1 September 2013

Full paper submission deadline

15 September 2013

Early fee registration deadline

7-8 November 2013

Conference sessions

Registration fee (EUR)

Early fee (until September 15, 2013): 150 EUR

Standard fee (from September 16 to October 1, 2013): 200 EUR
For young researchers under 35 years: 50 EUR

Registration fee includes: attendance, materials, lunch, breaks and evening Welcome Reception

